Contact us

Contact Us
More contact information
Akaycia Berger Manager and co-owner
Phone: 970-270-4340
+ texting available on this number
Hadassa Berger Owner of Rooted Gypsy Farms
Phone: 970-260-4252
+ texting available on this number
Hours Monday- Friday 9am - 5pm
Phone: 970-628-6846
+ texting is not avalible on this number
Frequently asked questions
When you first sign up you will receive an email with a date we will be out with your delivery. We deliver to a different area each day, when you sign up we will assign you a delivery day depending on the area you are in:
Monday- Redlands area (81507)
Tuesday- Downtown Grand Junction (81501)
Wednesday- Clifton and palisade (81503/81526)
Thursday- Fruita and Appleton area (81505/ 81521)
Friday- Out of town deliveries
We work with small farms and market gardens- most cannot afford the big organic label but our vendors follow organic practices.
Our beef is raised with respect and care. All our cows are grass fed and grass finished in the mountains of molina and in the wide open space of crawford. Here is a blurb from our vendor Tony from Sunshine Beef:
"We strive to sustainably produce healthy, delicious food, to contribute to our local community and economy, and to be good stewards of our land, water and livestock. By frequently rotating the cattle to fresh pastures we build soil fertility. We share the land with wildlife, preserve open space and sequester carbon in our deep-rooted perennial pastures."
Congrats on your first delivery! On the day of your next delivery leave out the box or bag (along with the ice packs, and liners). When we get there, we will clean and replace everything in your box. Also feel free to leave any egg cartons, bottles, plastics, or any other of our packing items in your box or bag so they can be recycled/reused.
When you support RGF you aren't only supporting our dream, you are supporting over 60 local businesses, more then 55 family farms and so much more! RGF supports our community by donating food every Friday to a family who needs a little love.
Every delivery is a surprise, it's like christmas every delivery! There are a few items we like to make a staple in your box, those items vary depending on your box type. To see those variations go to the 'Farm Boxes' tab on the top left of our website.